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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Fun With Pictures

Today we present Fun With Pictures. We're bound to have more fun with pictures in the future. These pictures feature me with a partially shaven head and a really weakly grown beard which has since grown in better. Enjoy!

For those of you who aren't sure what this is - it is the BACK of my head - there you have the collar of my shirt along with the back of my ears.

There is my left side of my head - along with my beard and a few other features which I'm sure you can work out for yourself. After all, if you're able to read English I'm sure that you're also able to understand which part of my face is an 'eye' and which part of it is my 'nose'. If you do not feel capable of this, please enroll yourself in a basic anatomy class at your local college.

This is the right side of my face. I believe that I am currently facing roughly North North-East in this picture, I think. If that's true then I was facing roughly South South-West in the picture before and then hmm...90 degrees away from that would be - hmm....if I had a pen and paper I could draw this...West North-West? Well - whatever's approximately like 15-20 degrees or so above West on the compass...is that right? Well - anyway - you've got the picture. At least you probably would if I was able to be at least somewhat coherent in this paragraph.

And there you have it: Fun With Pictures - Part 1. We will have more fun with pictures in the future.

If you thought any of the above explanation was rude or patronizing to your sensibilities, and you demand satisfaction, feel free to either 1) leave a comment or 2) email me at candidbyu@gmail.com. Only emails written in the Chicago style, 500 words exactly - no more no less, double spaced, with proper in-text citations will be accepted. If I find any emails without proper style I will regard them as 'refuse' and will discard them in the rubbish bin. Many thanks!


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